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用辅助呼吸机械抢救呼吸衰竭患者已成为现代医院不可缺少的手段。近几十年来,呼吸机技术发展极为迅速,到90年代初,世界呼吸机专业制造厂商已达20余家。其中有些是具有20年以上生产历史的老厂,如美国Bird公司;有些是近10年来的后起之秀,如美国PuritanBennett公司和Newport公司、德国Seimens公司、法国Teama公司等。他们的产品各有特色,也都占有一定市场。任何一个呼吸机的工作原理都在于建立一个大气——肺泡压差,达到肺的通气。呼吸机经呼吸道开口以气体直接加压,超过肺泡压产生压力差,气体进入肺部——吸入状态;释去压力,肺泡压高于大气压,肺泡气体排出体外——呼气状态。为达到最好的通气治疗效果,医生要根据病 Rescue respiratory failure patients with assisted breathing machinery has become an indispensable means of modern hospitals. In recent decades, the development of ventilator technology has been extremely rapid. By the early 1990s, more than 20 world-class ventilator manufacturers had been established. Some of them are old factories with more than 20 years of production history, such as the American Bird Company. Some are rising stars in the past 10 years, such as Puritan Bennett and Newport in the United States, Seimens in Germany and Teama in France. Their products have their own characteristics, but also occupy a certain market. The working principle of any ventilator is to establish an atmosphere - the alveolar pressure difference, to reach the lung ventilation. Ventilator through the respiratory tract to direct gas pressure, pressure difference over the alveolar pressure, the gas into the lungs - inhalation; release of pressure, alveolar pressure higher than atmospheric pressure, alveolar gas excreted - breath state. To achieve the best ventilation treatment, doctors should be based on the disease
摘 要:随着现代教育事业的不断發展,现代教学技术与小学数学课堂教学的融合,已成为当前小学数学教学必须要思考的重要问题,要基于小学生的实情及喜好来进行融合,这样才能够将现代教学技术促进小学数学课堂教学质量及效率的作用最大限度的发挥出来。本文对小学数学课堂与现代教学技术融合的具体策略进行了探讨,仅供相关教育研究参考。  关键词:小学数学;现代教学技术;融合策略  【中图分类号】G623.5 【文献标识