半屏山. 半屏山, 一半在大陆. 一半在台湾, 石屏姑娘站海边, 盼望亲人心不变……。随着这动人的歌声,大幕徐徐拉开,观众来到大海边的石屏山下,只见一个美丽的少女石屏姑娘正在一边劳作,一边翩翩起舞:她和年轻的渔民水根相爱,不久就要结婚了,石屏娘娘沉浸在幸福的憧憬中。残暴的海神正为自己挑选美女,他看上了石屏姑娘。在石屏和水根举行婚礼的时候,率领龟精蟹将来抢石屏。石屏姑娘不愿
Half-screen mountain half-screen mountain, half in mainland China half in Taiwan, stone screen girl standing by the sea, looking forward to their loved ones unchanged. As this touching song, the curtain slowly opened, the audience came to the sea side of Shek Pik Shan, I saw a beautiful girl Shepian girl is working on the side, while dancing: she and the young fishermen Shui root love, not long after It is about to get married, Sheep screen immersed in the longing for happiness. Cruel Poseidon is picking beauty for their own, he took a fancy to Shek Ping girl. In the stone screen and water roots wedding ceremony, led the turtle crab in the future to grab the stone screen. Stone screen girl do not want