Pandit jasraj出生于1930年,八十高龄的他一头白发,脸上却不见什么褶皱。但真正令人惊奇的是他的声音,他的声音!厚朴圆融,高昂处不觉苍凉,岁月给予了这位音乐家一份只有时间才能换来的礼物,那就是声音疆域的广大辽阔,高处极为高远,而低处仿佛能够无限地起伏。而更让人无法相信的是,这声音来自于一个坐着演唱的人。很多习练瑜伽的人会早一点认识Pandit jasraj。冥想音乐流行的今天,印度音乐又被推至潮流。其实,早在上世纪六十年代,摇滚音乐人如约翰·列侬等人就仙衣飘飘地去印度旅行、朝拜过梵音圣乐,
Pandit jasraj was born in 1930, he was 80 years old with white hair, his face did not see any wrinkles. But what really surprises is his voice, his voice! Magnificent blend, high despair desolate, years give the musician a gift that only time can come in exchange, that is the vast territory of the voice , The height is extremely lofty, while the lower part seems to be able to unlimited ups and downs. And even more people can not believe it, this voice comes from a person sitting and singing. Many people who practice yoga know Pandit jasraj a little earlier. Meditation music is popular today, Indian music has been pushed to the trend. In fact, as early as the sixties of the last century, rock musicians such as John Lennon and others on the fairy fluttering to travel in India, worship the holy music of the Holy Music,