根据自治区地方志编纂委员会新地志(1984)20号通知的精神,我们于十月下旬,召开了《哈密县志》(征求意见稿)评议会。出席会议的有各县(市)和州志编辑人员共二十余人。 为了使这次评议会开好,要求与会人员全面阅读《哈志》,并提出意见和看法。会议采取全面评议和分卷评议相结合的方法。大家都能敞开思想,实事求是,各抒己见。会议开得
In accordance with the circular of Xindizhi (1984) No.20 of the local chronicles compilation committee of the autonomous region, we convened the “Hami County Records” (draft for comments) council in late October. Attending the meeting are counties (cities) and state editor a total of more than 20 people. In order to make this council a success, members of the conference are required to fully read “Hashi” and to express their opinions and opinions. Meeting to take a comprehensive review and sub-volume review of a combination of methods. Everyone can open his mind, seek truth from facts, and express his own opinion. The meeting opened