《Münch Med Wschr》1983;125(15):22. 作者报告了1970到1981年间对101例首次及16例二次肾移植的胰岛素依赖型糖尿病患者伴发终末期肾功能衰竭的研究结果。在首次肾移植者中,患者一年及五年存活率分别为77%及55%;移植肾一年及五年功能的有效率相应为58%及45%。从有血缘亲属的活体肾作移植其结果常优于从尸体取肾移植者。这些肾移植结果与非糖尿病患者中的结果可资比拟。反之,第二次肾移植后的结果对患者甚不
Münch Med Wschr 1983; 125 (15): 22. The authors report the results of a study of 101 patients with end-stage renal failure in 101 patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus who underwent both primary and secondary renal transplantation between 1970 and 1981. In first-time renal transplant recipients, the one-year and five-year survival rates were 77% and 55%, respectively. The one-year and five-year graft function rates were 58% and 45%, respectively. Transplants from living relatives with blood relatives are often superior to those from kidney transplant recipients. These kidney transplant results are comparable with those in nondiabetic patients. Conversely, the results after the second kidney transplant are not significant for the patient