1994国际显示研究会议(International Display Research Conference,简称为IDRC)于1994年10月10日至13日在美国加利福尼亚州的蒙特利尔(Monterey)市举行。94′IDRC是由国际信息显示协会(International Society for Information Display)和电子器件咨询组织(Advisory Group on Electron Devices)联合主办的,并由IEEE Electron Devices Society协办。94′IDRC也是第14届国际显示研究会议的年会,该会议每年举行一次,举办地点在亚洲、欧洲、美国等地依次轮流交替。上届(第13届IDRC)在法国的Strasbourg市举办(会议名称为93′Euro Display),下届(第15届IDRC):将在日本的Hamamatsu市举
1994 International Display Research Conference (IDRC) was held October 10-13, 1994 in Monterey, California, USA. 94’IDRC is co-sponsored by the International Society for Information Display and the Advisory Group on Electron Devices and is co-organized by the IEEE Electron Devices Society. 94’IDRC is also the annual meeting of the 14th International Conference on Display and Research, which is held once a year and turns in succession in turn in Asia, Europe and the United States. The 13th IDRC was held in Strasbourg, France (conference name: 93’Euro Display). The next (15th IDRC) will be held in Hamamatsu, Japan