一、实行控制麻疹的目标管理我县制订了《计划免疫管理》和《控制麻疹方案》,对麻疹的诊断标准、疫情报告、疫点处理、流行病学调查、预防接种指标、免疫监测等作了明确规定,并组织全县各级医务人员学习讨论。试行中逐步完善,使麻疹防制工作规范化标准化。二、加强冷链接种器材建设 1984~1986年间,我们自筹资金2万余元,用于冷链接种器材的装备,目前县站有计划免疫专用低温冰箱4台,普通冰
First, the implementation of the target of measles control My county developed a “plan immunization management” and “measles control program”, the diagnostic criteria for measles, epidemic reporting, epidemic treatment, epidemiological surveys, vaccination indicators, such as immune monitoring for Clearly defined, and organize medical staff at all levels to discuss the discussion. Gradually improve the trial, measles control standardization. Second, to strengthen the construction of cold chain vaccination equipment 1984 to 1986, we self-financed more than 2 million for cold chain seed equipment equipment, the county has a planned low-temperature immunization refrigerator 4 units, ordinary ice