美国海岸警备队估计,一旦采用双层壳油轮能防止或减少1989年3月“埃克森·瓦尔迪兹”号油轮60%的原油流入阿拉斯加的威廉王子湾。 双层壳油轮中,货物受到两块由一个大约两米宽的空间所隔开的钢板保护。如果油轮内船壳破裂,该空间也能兼容溢出的原油。美国国会早已对运输危险货品的油轮要求具备双层船壳,而且美国1990年油污法要求到2015年所有在美国海域从事贸易活动的油轮均须具备双层船壳。 双层船壳并非新的构思。早在20世纪60年代中期,就对“埃克森”(当时称为“埃索”)的油轮进行过双层船壳和双层船底研究。美国曾在1973年防止船舶污染的国际公约上提出双层船底油轮的建议。但该建议完全受到了挫折。
The US Coast Guard estimates that using double-hull tankers will prevent or reduce the flow of 60% of Cruise Oil in Exxon Valdez in March 1989 into Prince William Sound, Alaska. In a double hull tanker, the cargo is protected by two steel plates separated by a space of about two meters. The space is also compatible with spilled oil if the hull in the tanker is broken. The United States Congress has long demanded double-hull tankers for tankers transporting dangerous goods and the U.S. Oil Pollution Act of 1990 requires that all tankers engaged in trade in the United States Sea by 2015 have a double-hull. Double hull is not a new concept. As early as the mid-1960s, double hull and double bottom research was performed on tankers at Exxon (then known as Esso). The United States proposed the proposal of a double bottom tanker at the 1973 International Convention on the Prevention of Ship Pollution. However, the proposal suffered a complete setback.