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刘丽艳,《活力》杂志社采编部主任,1963年生于北大荒垦区友谊农场,人们称她为北大荒的第二代。在她的性格中确实具有不畏艰苦、奋力拼搏、热情豪爽的北大荒人品格。早在未做记者之前,刘丽艳就发表过一篇散文诗《心中有个愿望》,而这个愿望就是要当一名记者,想来这像是一个美丽的梦,如今这个梦想成真,她还要不断地追寻更高的境界。她说,这一切都要感谢那片生她养她的黑土地,是北大荒的自然美景、浓浓乡情给予她丰富的灵感。再有“知青”老师们带给她的那么多奔涌激进的新潮思想、思维方式,让她有了一个个新的飞跃,新的起点。当年,一家在全国比较有影响的报社在全国各地招聘信息采编人员,刘丽艳以多年积累的实力,吃苦耐劳的实干精神、诚信和较强的解决问题的能力,成为佳木斯市百名报考人中唯一被录取者,经过三个月的试用,以优异成绩站稳脚跟。这项工作极其辛苦,每天需奔波几个 Li-Yan Liu, “vitality” magazine editorial director, was born in 1963 in the Northern Great Barren reclamation area Friendship Farm, people call her the second generation of the Great Northern Wilderness. In her character does have a fearless hard work, hard work, enthusiasm and bold character of the Great Northern Wilderness. Long before she was a reporter, Liu Liyan published a prose poem “There is a wish in my heart”, and this desire is to be a reporter. I wanted this to come as a beautiful dream. Now she dreams of this dream Constantly pursue a higher realm. She said all this should be grateful to her piece of black land she raised her, is the natural beauty of the Great Northern Wilderness, rich nostalgia to give her a wealth of inspiration. Then there are so many radical new ideas and ways of thinking brought to her by “educated youths” teachers, which have given her a new leap and a new starting point. In the same year, a nationwide influential newspaper recruited and recruited staff from all over the country. With the strength accumulated over the years, hard-working hard work, honesty and strong problem-solving skills, Liu Liyan became the only one of the 100 candidates in Jiamusi City Candidates, after three months of trial, stand firm with good results. This job is extremely hard and requires a few daily trips
为了配合 ATA单证册制度在我国的实施,对 ATA单证册项下进出口货物实施有效监管,海关总署先后制定了《中华人民共和国海关暂准进口单证册项下进出口货物监管办法》、《关于实施
A surprisingly simple guide to filtering rumors from reality  面對网络谣言,可要擦亮双眼  Every day, lurid tales circulate WeChat, and the more sordid the story, the more likely we are to “Share” it with shaking h
本研究项目是采用诸如地质学解释、影像判读和地球物理探测等多种方法相结合进行的。在所得结果 的基础上参考了越南国内外同行的一些资料编制了东南亚、越南及邻区的断裂
本文提出内部收益率快速算法的通用模型,通过实证研究、模拟分析和对比分析,证明是一种简单、快速和精度高的方法。 This paper presents a general model of fast internal r