Dynamic development characteristics of amounts of gas and levels of pressure in the Pan-1 coal mine

来源 :Mining Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:blackcat
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The Pan-1 coal mine located in Huainan municipality, Anhui province, is abundant in coal resources. In order to discover the natural conditions of gas in its coal seams, we inverted the burial history of these coal seams using the software of Easy%Ro method and simulated the development process of gas volumes and pressure of the major coal seams using CBM History Simulation Software. Our analysis shows that the devolution of gas volumes and levels of pressure can be divided into four stages: i.e., a biogas stage (P1-P3), a pyrolysis gas stage (T1-T2), an active gas enrichment stage (T3-K1) and a gas dissipating stage (K2-present). Currently, the average amounts of gas and gas pressure in coal seams Nos. 13-1, 11-2 and 8 of the Pan-1 coal mine are 8.18 m3/t and 2.20 MPa; 3.89 m3/t and 2.47 MPa and 6.35 m3/t and 2.89 MPa, respectively. This agrees very well with current mining data. The Pan-1 coal mine located in Huainan municipality, Anhui province, is abundant in coal resources. In order to discover the natural conditions of gas in its coal seams, we inverted the burial history of these coal seams using the software of Easy% Ro method and simulated the development process of gas volumes and pressure of the major coal seams using CBM History Simulation Software. Our analysis shows that the devolution of gas volumes and levels of pressure can be divided into four stages: ie, a biogas stage (P1- P3, a pyrolysis gas stage (T1-T2), an active gas enrichment stage (T3-K1) and a gas dissipating stage (K2-present). Currently, the average amounts of gas and gas pressure in coal seams Nos. 13 -1, 11-2 and 8 of the Pan-1 coal mine are 8.18 m3 / t and 2.20 MPa; 3.89 m3 / t and 2.47 MPa and 6.35 m3 / t and 2.89 MPa, respectively. This agrees very well with current mining data .
Anthony Mancinelli今年107岁,是全球最年长的理发师。他目前依旧是全职工作,自11岁从事理发工作开始迄今已有96年。他所服务的店位于纽约市北部一条不起眼的商业街中,店主人Jane Dinezza说:“他从未请过一次病假。”  《纽约时报》不久前以一篇专文介绍他,说他在2007年96岁的时候,就已获得吉尼斯世界纪录“全球最年长的理发师”称号。  许多上门的客人知道他的年纪之后,难免