Synthesis, Composition Optimization, and VUV Photoluminescence Characterization of (Y,Gd)(V,P)O_4∶Eu

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lijie041132
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The synthesis, composition optimization, VUV Photoluminescence (PL) spectra, and optical properties, of (Y,Gd)(V,P)O4∶Eu3+ phosphors were investigated by synchrotron radiation. The VUV PLE spectra and the correlation among VUV PL intensity, λem, and Eu3+, Gd3+, and P-content were established. The PLE spectral studies showed that (Y,Gd)(V,P)O4∶Eu3+ exhibited significant absorption in the VUV range. The VUV PL intensity was found to enhance with PO43- and Gd3+-doping. Furthermore, the chromaticity characteristics of (Y,Gd)(V,P)O4∶Eu3+ were also found to be (0.6614, 0.3286) and compared against (Y, Gd)BO3∶Eu3+ as a reference. Based on the characterization results, we are currently improving and evaluating the potential application of (Y,Gd)(V,P)O4∶Eu3+ as a new red-emitting PDP phosphor. The synthesis, composition optimization, VUV Photoluminescence (PL) spectra, and optical properties, of (Y, Gd) (V, P) O4: Eu3 + phosphors were investigated by synchrotron radiation. The VUV PLE spectra and the correlation among VUV PL intensity, The PUV spectral studies showed that (Y, Gd) (V, P) O4: Eu3 + exhibited significant absorption in the VUV range. The VUV PL intensity was found to enhance with Further, the chromaticity characteristics of (Y, Gd) (V, P) O4: Eu3 + were also found to be (0.6614, 0.3286) and compared against (Y, Gd) BO3: Eu3 + as a reference . Based on the characterization results, we are also currently improving and evaluating the potential application of (Y, Gd) (V, P) O4: Eu3 + as a new red-emitting PDP phosphor.
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