Researches and Afforestation of Paulownia in China

来源 :Chinese Forestry Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:seeya
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Paulownia is a fast-growing tree species that is mainly found in the central part of China. Three main cultivation areas of Paulownia are the Yellow-Huai-Hai Plain, south of the Yangtze River, and arid and semi-arid areas of Northwestern China. There are 9 species, 4 varieties and 4 forms used in the production in China. Study achievements were obtained in the fields of species/variety introduction, selection and breeding, afforestation techniques as well as the control of diseases and pests. The main problems existing in the current production include lack of improved varieties, mix-up of different varieties and variety degeneration due to the long course of a sexual reproduction. The author put forward countermeasures for the problems. Paulownia is a fast-growing tree species that is mainly found in the central part of China. Three main cultivation areas of Paulownia are the Yellow-Huai-Hai Plain, south of the Yangtze River, and arid and semi-arid areas of Northwestern China There are 9 species, 4 varieties and 4 forms used in the production in China. Study achievements were obtained in the fields of species / variety introduction, selection and breeding, afforestation techniques as well as the control of diseases and pests. The main problems existing in the current production include lack of improved varieties, mix-up of different varieties and variety degeneration due to the long course of a sexual reproduction. The author put forward countermeasures for the problems.
10月1日,国庆节。我们回眸65年前的那场开国大典,从细节中寻找真实,于质朴中感受震撼。  天安门城楼里捡出炮弹  开国大典为何选在天安门广场,颇费了一番周折。由于已经决定在中央人民政府成立大会上要举行解放军阅兵式,所以要选择开国大典的场地,必须要考虑附带阅兵场地。当时有两个备选:一是北京西苑机场,这里之前举行过欢迎毛主席和党中央进入北平的阅兵式,这里地势开阔,搞大规模集会耍得开,而且不影响市内交
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