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在幼儿的发展中,语言能力的培养是十分重要的,成语故事语言生动、形象鲜明,幽默风趣并且具有一定的伦理性,科学引导幼儿适当地接触成语故事,既能够帮助幼儿开拓视野,增长知识,在故事中懂得一些做人做事的道理,同时也能够锻炼幼儿语言表达的能力,促进幼儿的语言思维的发展,让幼儿在今后的学习发展中能够有一个良好的铺垫。 In the development of young children, the cultivation of language ability is very important. The language of idioms is vivid, vivid, humorous and ethical. Scientifically guiding young children to make proper contact with idiom stories can help children to broaden their horizons and increase their knowledge. In the story, I understand some truths about doing things in a man’s life. At the same time, I can exercise the ability of children’s language expression and promote the development of children’s language thinking so that children can have a good foundation in their future study and development.
四岁多的时候,她每天悄悄地跟着藏民们的孩子,爬到岩石上,远远地看着同伴们嬉戏追赶。一天,孤独的她,无意间看到对面的岩石上,有一只漂亮的藏雪鸡,正跟她一样缩成一团栖息着,胆小的她像是找到了知音,鼓起勇气轻轻地向这个喉白,胸两侧有白色圆形斑块的生物走去。也是从这一天开始,她不再因父母离婚,被同伴嘲笑成“野孩子”而感到孤立在外的寂寞。  就这样,她的整个童年,基本上都是跟各种可爱的小动物们在一起。她经常