Asseessment of the Impact of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway on the Tourist Scenery in Tibet

来源 :Engineering Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:clast
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This article briefly makes account of the characters of the tourist resources along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway. According to the diversity and distinctiveness of the natural landscape along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, its scientific studying values, aesthetic values and cultural values are summaized in this text. The article analysed the main types of construction of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway which would cause impacts to the landscapes along the line: roadbed construction, grounds of fetching and abandoning soil, sand and gravel material field, pavement for constructon, construction camp, etc. The impacts caused by construction of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway to the tourist scenery in Tibet are raised and the preventive and restorative measures needed to be taken to reduce and ease up the impacts of the railway project to the landscapes long the line are offered. The various measures raised above are in line with the characters of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway and are operational. This article only makes account of the characters of the tourist resources along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway. According to the diversity and distinctiveness of the natural landscape along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, its scientific studying values, aesthetic values ​​and cultural values ​​are summaized in this text. The article analysed the main types of construction of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway which would cause impacts to the landscapes along the line: roadbed construction, grounds of fetching and abandoning soil, sand and gravel material field, pavement for constructon, construction camp, etc. The impacts caused by construction of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway to the tourist scenery in Tibet are raised and the preventive and restorative measures needed to be taken to reduce and ease up the impacts of the railway project to the landscapes long the line are offered . The various measures raised above are in line with the characters of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway and are operational.
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