Of all ethical virtues Aristotle discussed, “megalopsychia” was the one that caused the most controversy. In this article, Aristotle proposes “heroism” as a case of defining the problem of unity in Archetypal Analysis of Post-Analysis, and discusses Aristotle’s attempt to define heroism in two major ethical works. Aristotle proposed the heroic definition of honor as the core in “Ethodian Ethics”, but this definition led to the status issue of honor, the heroic independence issue, the heroic dependence problem, and how to treat the case of small Honor and self-awareness issues. In the “Nicomachean Ethics”, Aristotle changed the focus of the discussion, put forward the self-knowledge as the core of the heroic definition, in order to unify the heroic attitude towards honor, at the same time proposed a The impoliteness involving lesser honors led to the successful resolution of the remaining difficulties in Ethics of Odemus. This discussion helps us to clarify the relationship between the two ethical writings and the many controversies surrounding heroism.