观6月而知网络之秋。新浪网高层人事变动,王志东去职;联想与 AOL 成立合资公司;网易收购横生变数;网络广告分类出击:纳斯达克反映中国概念股;宽带出现新问题;政策欲推新导航;IDC 在打价格战:产业资本出线;软件业集体上路。进入6月以来,中国互联网的大事一个接一个地发生,给人们的印象是:大事之后,互联网将迎来一个成熟时期。
June view of the network of autumn. Sina personnel changes, Wang Zhidong resignation; Lenovo and AOL set up a joint venture company; NetEase acquisition of Hengsheng variable; online advertising categories attack: Nasdaq reflects China concept stocks; broadband new problems; policy push new navigation; IDC in the price War: industrial capital qualify; software industry on the road. Since June, the events of the Internet in China have taken place one after another, giving people the impression that after the event, the Internet will usher in a period of maturity.