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新疆卫拉特人的婚俗历史主要沿袭提亲、定亲、拜访亲家、送聘礼、搭盖蒙古包、宴请姑娘、择吉日良辰、拜社灶火、招待女婿、巧藏马镫和马鞭、庆贺嫁妆、禀报娶亲事宜、娶亲、新娘朝拜、揭帐等“十五礼”。现在已有所简化。“提亲”习俗是由封建大家族“门当户对”的传统的婚俗习惯演变而来。通常男女双方的父母私下交往,把一切谈妥。“找亲”也是父母看上哪家姑娘 The marriage history of Xinjiang Oirats is mainly followed by marriage, relatives, visiting relatives, sending gifts, taking yurts, entertaining girls, choosing auspicious day, enjoying cooking, entertaining son-in-law, stirrup and whip, celebrating dowry, reporting to marry relatives and marrying relatives , The bride worship, exposures and other “15 ceremony ”. It has been simplified now. “Propose ” custom is evolved from the traditional marriage customs of the feudal family “good match ”. Usually both men and women parents private contacts, everything is negotiated. “Find a pro ” is also what parents regard the girl
2014年6月2日傍晚,我刚下班便接到爸爸从老家打来电话,声音颤抖,说妈妈脑溢血,正在抢救。医生建议用溶血的针剂,他实在害怕,让我做这个决定。就要挂电话时,爸补充了一句,钱够了,你不必再筹。  除了担心妈妈,我还为爸爸最后一句话深深心疼。我与爸一样明白,他这句话有多少底气。  第二天清晨,我们从广州赶到老家的医院,是时,妈妈已经被阎王爷遣送回来,脱离了危险。虽然有心理准备,但在打开病房门的那一刻,