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“反朴归真”:荧屏上的连环画某日,在京都大学图书馆扮演了一天“科特队员”以后,我匆匆赶回宿舍。走进屋子,未及演奏“锅碗瓢盆交响曲”,便先打开电视机——在海外,它是我最亲密的伙伴,所以每天一回宿舍,我必先和它握手,向它问候,让它的那些“生动活泼”的人物来驱除我的孤寂。可是这一回出乎我的意料,荧屏上映现的,不是“生动活泼”的人物,而是一幅幅凝息不动的画面,宛如一本连环画,由一只无形的手轻轻翻动,在悦耳的音乐声中,通过男女主人公的内心独白,娓娓叙述着一个爱的故事……他俩没有拥抱接吻,但谁感觉不到他俩“如胶似漆”?他俩没有“海誓山盟”,但谁感觉不到他俩“以心传心”?这种艺术表现手法不仅十分巧妙地把握了东方人含蓄的恋爱方式,对“接力赛”和“柔道”般的恋爱方式作了反拨,而且是视觉艺术的一种“反朴归真”。自从1898年爱迪生通过将画片连续放映而产生动感,1895年路易斯和奥古斯特·鲁米阿兄弟在幻灯和活动画片的基础上发明了放映机以后,动,成了视觉艺术进步的重要标志。特别在本世纪20年代,弗·兹沃尔金利用光电效应发明了能够将物体形象转变为电信号的显像管以后,电视作为视觉艺术领域的一支新军不断崛起,而其崛起的最根本原因,就是因为它是一本能 “Anti-Park True Return”: A comic strip on the screen Some day after playing a day of “Kottek” at the Kyoto University Library, I hurried back to my quarters. Into the house, did not play “Symphony of pots and pans”, then turn on the TV - overseas, it is my closest partner, so once a day dormitory, I must shake hands with it, greet it , Let it’s those “lively” characters to get rid of my loneliness. However, this time out of my expectation, the screen appears, not “lively” figure, but a picture of a stationary picture, like a comic book, gently flip by an invisible hand, at Melodious music, through the inner monologue of the hero and heroine, tells the story of a love story ... They did not hug and kiss, but who do not feel they “glue”? They do not “eachother”, but who feels Not the two of them “heart to heart”? This art of expression not only very cleverly grasping the subtle way of Oriental love, “relay” and “judo” like love made a backlash, but also visual Art of a “anti-Park return truth.” Since 1898, when Edison was motivated by the continuous filming of the pictures, the brothers Luis and Augustus Lumia invented the projectors on the basis of slide shows and live pictures in 1895, marking an important symbol of the progress of visual arts. Especially in the 1920s when Vozvodkin invented the picture tube that converts the image of an object into an electrical signal using the photoelectric effect, the rise of TV as a new army in the field of visual art and the most fundamental cause of its rise It is because it is an instinct
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