§1.必要性 在对外汉语教学中有一个问题,即,有的学生学了两三年汉语,看文章时,一遇见生词就要查字典;有的学生阅读没有生词和语法难点的文章,只能逐字逐字地看,500字的短文就得花4、5分钟。我们曾做过一个测试,让10个学完《实用汉语课本》Ⅰ、Ⅱ册的学生阅读一篇短文,字数350个,生词4个。结果最快的两分钟,每分钟175字,最慢的三分半钟,每分钟100字。
§1. Necessity One problem with teaching Chinese as a foreign language is that some students have studied Chinese for two or three years. When they read an article, they should search the dictionary once they meet the new words. Some students read articles that have no new words or grammatical difficulties. It can only be literally and verbatimly seen that an essay of 500 words takes 4 or 5 minutes. We have done a test to enable 10 students who have completed “Practical Chinese Textbooks” Ⅰ and Ⅱ to read an essay with 350 words and 4 new words. The fastest two minutes, 175 words per minute, the slowest three and a half minutes, 100 words per minute.