在矿一中、市一中高一两个班试讲《中学生学习心理学讲座》的过程中,当我讲授王贤瑞同志撰写的《锻炼意志、性格,努力完成学习任务》时,学生很感兴趣。于是,我作了一次性格内倾与外顺的调查。测试题原文采用林崇德同志编写的《中学生心理学》第十章第一节第222页至第228页。共分五类,每类有八个问题,左边是内倾的,右边是外倾的。记分为左 A 右 C,混合型为 B,A 为0分,B 为1分,C 为2分。各类又分五个阶段点,
In mine one or two classes in middle school and high school, the students were very interested in teaching “Lecture on Learning Psychology of Middle School Students” when I was teaching Comrade Wang Xianrui’s “Exercise Will, Character, and Effort to Complete Learning Tasks”. So, I made a introverted and external investigation. The original text of the test questions is written in Comrade Lin Chongde’s “Psychology of Secondary School Students,” Chapter X, Section I, pp. 222-228. There are five categories, each category has eight questions. The left is introverted and the right is extraverted. Marked as left A right C, mixed type B, A is 0, B is 1, C is 2 points. Each category is divided into five stages,