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科协所属学会是科协的主体和支撑。加强科协对学会的管理和领导是科协工作的重要内容,是全面繁荣科协事业的题中应有之意。提高认识,切实增强做好学会工作的责任感和紧迫感要做好科协工作,重点在学会,难点在学会,希望也在学会。为什么说重点在学会?这是科协的性质所决定的。科协所属学会是由科技工作者依法自愿结成的社会团体,是科协 Association belongs to the Association for science and technology is the mainstay and support. It is an important part of the work of CAST to strengthen the management and leadership of the Association for Science and Technology, and it is a must for full prosperity of the cause of CAST. Awareness raising and conscientiously enhancing the sense of responsibility and urgency to do well in the work of the Institute To do a good job in the work of the Association for Science and Technology, the key is to learn how to learn and the difficulties are to be learned. Why focus on learning? This is the nature of the Association for Science and Technology. Society belongs to the Association for Science and Technology by the scientific and technological workers voluntarily formed by the social groups, is the Association for Science and Technology
数学的本质是认识表面上看来完全不同的概念间的内在逻辑关系,最成功的数学家,是知识面最宽的人,也是概念的类比能力、想象能力最强的人。  ——爱德华 本文为全文原貌 未安装PDF浏览器用户请先下载安装 原版全文