Study on the EM Scattering of Rivets on the Plate

来源 :武汉大学自然科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nbu_james
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The electromagnetic (EM) scattering by rivets on the conducting plate is studied for the first time by using electric field integral equation (EFIE) in conjunction with the moment method. The surfaces of the rivets and the plate are partitioned into triangular cells, the current distribution on the patches is represented by sub-domain type basis function, the EFIE is translated into matrix equation by the Galerkin method, then the current coefficient is obtained. The results show the properties of radar cross section (RCS) varying with the incident angle when there are rivets on the plate.
Aiming at boosting the low ultraviolet (UV)responsivity induced by the negative impact of the surface dead layer in silicon-based conventional photodiode(CPD),
目的:考察对围手术期预防性应用抗菌药实施干预措施的效果,为临床药师开展药学服务提供参考.方法:采用回顾性调查方法,对我院2011 ~ 2012年甲状腺和乳腺手术出院病例进行统计
目的:了解某三甲医院2010 ~ 2012年住院患者抗深部真菌感染药的用量趋势及抗菌药专项整治活动的效果.方法:利用该院药品管理系统,检索2010 ~ 2012年住院患者使用抗深部真菌感染
目的:分析骨科在抗菌药专项整治前后Ⅰ类切口手术患者抗菌药应用情况,为加强药物合理使用和规范管理提供依据.方法:分别提取2012年10 ~ 12月(干预后)及2010年10 ~ 12月(干预前)
A reduced-state sequence estimation (RSSE) receiver based on per-survivor processing (PSP) in conjunction with an adaptive pre-filter is proposed in this paper.
An identity-based proxy blind signature scheme from bilinear pairings is introduced, which combines the advantages of proxy signature and blind signature. Furth
患者,男,68岁,因反复乏力、腹胀、尿黄3年余,再发一周于2011年4月14日入院治疗。诊断:①乙肝、酒精性肝硬化失代偿期活动性,门脉高压症,脾功能亢进,肝功能Child-pug h C级;②