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董其昌的画作中透露出强烈的个人风格,最独特的地方在于用墨,虽然多取法于董巨,山石与树木的轮廓用笔粗重,但董其昌绘画一般用吸水性不强的半生熟纸,水墨的效果不靠渗透,而是多次渲染,画面效果清朗润泽,总体又显浑厚大气,具有“不在石上着力而石自秀润”①的画面效果。墨色中又显现出焦、枯、润、浓、淡丰富的层次变化对比,形成所谓的墨分五彩,使墨从此也具有了独立的审美价值。“以境之奇怪论,则画不如山水。以笔墨之精妙论,则山水决不如画”②,他的山水画便重在以精妙的笔墨表现画家心目中山水的理想境界。 Dong Qichang’s paintings reveal a strong personal style, the most unique place is to use ink, although the method of Dong Ju, the outline of rocks and trees with heavy pen, but Dong Qichang paintings generally used hygroscopicity is not strong half-cooked paper, ink The effect is not based on infiltration, but multiple rendering, the effect of clear and moist picture effect, the overall atmosphere was significant, with “no stone on the stone from the show Run” ① screen effect. The ink color also shows the changes of coke, dryness, richness and richness, forming the so-called multicolored ink so that ink also has its own independent aesthetic value. “In the strange theory of the territory, the landscape is not as good as the painting.” In his subtle theory of ink and brush, the landscape is unsurpassed. "2 His landscape painting emphasizes the ideal state of the artist in exquisite brushwork.
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