Source localization of focal electri-cal activity from scalp electroencephalogram (sEEG) signal is generally modeled as an in-verse problem that is highly ill-posed. In this paper, a novel source localization method is proposed to model the EEG inverse problem using spatio-temporal long-short term mem-ory recurrent neural networks (LSTM). The network model consists of two parts, sEEG encoding and source decoding, to model the sEEG signal and receive the regression of source location. As there does not exist enough annotated sEEG signals correspond to specific source locations, simulated data is generated with forward model using finite ele-ment method (FEM) to act as a part of training signals. A framework for source localization is proposed to estimate the source position based on simulated training data. Experiments are done on simulated testing data. The results on simulated data exhibit good robustness on noise signal, and the proposed network solves the EEG inverse problem with spatio-temporal deep network. The result show that the pro-posed method overcomes the highly ill-posed linear inverse problem with data driven le-ing.