灰树花(Polyporus frondosus)在自然界主要生长在枹树、栗树等枯木上,肉质柔嫩,口味鲜美,营养丰富,除食用外还可药用,在日本被视为珍贵的食用菌。近年来,由于发现它含有丰富的氨基酸及具抗癌效果的蘑菇多糖而更为人们所注目。
Polyporus frondosus is mainly grown in the natural world, such as dead trees, chestnut trees and other dead wood, tender meat, delicious taste, nutrient-rich, in addition to food but also medicinal, is considered a precious edible mushroom in Japan. In recent years, due to the discovery that it contains rich amino acids and anti-cancer effect of mushroom polysaccharides and even more people’s attention.