在我国,截至99年6月30日,上网人数为400万,其中40%左右在家中上网。这个数字,虽然与发达国家相比还很低,但与年初刚公布的210万的数字相比,明显呈飞速增长态势。但是,很多家庭用户进入因特网一试身手后发现,其实网络离家庭的需求还有一段距离。 由于因特网起源于美国,我国1994年才正式接人,所以中文网站的出现有一定的滞后。但短短的几年时间,已涌现出大量的中文网站,一批网站以新闻、论坛、个人主页、免费邮件、软件下载、联机游戏等信息和服务赢得“网虫”的喜爱。在家庭用户的眼中,视这样的网上生活为一种时尚,被看作时尚的东西自然不会人人拥有,但令人深思的是,网站生存和发展必须建立在
In our country, as of June 30, 1999, the number of people accessing the Internet is 4 million, of which about 40% have Internet access at home. Although this figure is still low compared with developed countries, it shows a clear and rapid growth compared with the figure of 2.1 million just announced at the beginning of this year. However, after many home users try their hand at the Internet, they find that the Internet is still far from the needs of families. Since the Internet originated in the United States, China formally joined people in 1994, so the emergence of Chinese websites lags behind. However, in just a few short years, a large number of Chinese websites have emerged. A number of websites have won the reputation of “Internet worms” through news, forums, personal home pages, free emails, software downloads, online games and other information and services. In the eyes of home users, this kind of online life as a fashion, is not always regarded as fashionable things for everyone, but it is thought-provoking that the survival and development of the site must be based on