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近年来,许多城市发生了道路塌陷灾害,造成重大的生命财产损失和严重的社会影响。本文采用自主研发的车载式道路病害灾害预警雷达系统,通过多个城市的工程探测实践,形成了一套车载阵列雷达预警探测道路塌陷灾害的实用技术和方法,并总结了一套成熟的作业流程,成功地应用于城市道路塌陷灾害预警探测中。 In recent years, many cities have suffered road collapse and have caused major loss of life and property and serious social impacts. In this paper, a self-developed vehicle-borne road disease hazard early-warning radar system was developed. A set of practical techniques and methods of early detection of road collapse by radar in vehicle array were formed through the practice of engineering exploration in several cities. A set of mature operation procedures , Successfully used in urban road collapse early warning detection.
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