刚刚起复任用为湖广学政的翰林院编修董其昌,时间不久辞官又一次回到江南闲住,这一住,他就住下了整整10年。戏鸿堂里,几十年来收罗下来的书画名器累积无数,玄宰先生盘桓其中,每天要做的事情,无非是赏玩几件前代的法书名贴,或者乘兴写几行字、画几笔画,或者不作字亦不作画,参上一回禅,日子过得就像神仙一样闲怡自得。这一年,是万历四十四年,按现在算也就是1616年。二月十五日,董其昌读宋人黄庭坚题跋,心里生出一种文人常有的感喟,忍不住拿起笔写道: “今日偶读山谷老人题跋,随意书数则,其推挹东坡千古交谊,可想李伯时、米元章皆叛公于追论元祜党籍之日,当时物论薄之,人益以重山谷。世人以须臾富贵而卖友排贤,至有助之羽翼,而反戈相向者,其于忠孝大节何有也。丙辰二月之望,偶笔书此,一似诗谶。”像许多同辈文人一样,董其昌也很喜欢苏东坡,这
Just started the appointment for the Hubei Provincial College of Science and Technology of the Imperial Academy compiled Dong Qichang, resign soon returned to southern free time, this live, he lived for a full 10 years. Drama Hongtang decades, the collection of calligraphy and painting down countless celebrities, Mr. Xuanzai linger among them, every day to do, nothing more than to enjoy a few pieces of the previous generation of legal affiliation, or take a few lines to write a few words, A few strokes, or do not make a word nor make a painting, participate in a Zen, life flies like a fairy. This year is forty-four years of Wanli, which is now 1616 years. On February 15, Dong Qichang read the essay of Huang Ting-jian from the Song Dynasty who gave birth to a kind of literary man’s sense of emotion. He could not help but pick up his pen and wrote: "Today, I read the old man in the valley and inscribe the number of random books. Friendship, you can think of when Li Bo, Mi Yuanzhang are rebellious in Yuan chanyu party day, when things are thin, the benefits of heavy valleys. The world in order to be rich and sell friends Xian, to help the wings, and the anti Ge In the opposite of the loyalty and filial piety, what is there in the festival of loyalty and filial piety?