清末民初武林史上有享誉中外的三大侠客,津门大侠霍元甲、关东大侠杜心五、长江大侠吕紫剑,而今津门大侠、关东大侠早已作古,唯有长江大侠尤如一棵不老松,仍游历于神州山水,浪迹于海外天涯。 生于一八九三年宜昌武医世家的吕紫剑,一九九五年新年来临,跨入了他102岁的人生年轮,笔者相约良久,新年刚过便叩响了座落于重庆著名风景胜地南山山麓的渝州紫剑武术馆山门。但见百岁老人,白发红颜,长髯飘飘,声若
At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the early years of the history of martial arts martial arts world-renowned three heroes, Jinmen heroes Huo Yuanjia, Kanto Du Xinxin five, the Yangtze River Lv Zijian, and now Jinmen heroes, the Kanto heroes have long ago, only the Yangtze heroes As a not old pine, still travel in Shenzhou landscapes, traces of overseas End of the World. Lv Zijian, born in 1893 in Yichang’s military family, entered the New Year in 1995 and stepped into his life-ring of 102 years old. The author met a long time ago and knocked on the famous New Year’s day Resort in the foothills of Yuzhou Zijin martial arts temple gate. But see centenarians, white hair roots, flutter fluttering, sound if