
来源 :山东人力资源和社会保障 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:heguojing514
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5月14日,2014年度省级创业孵化示范基地和省级创业示范园区评估认定集中答辩会在济南举行。省人社厅副厅长李伯平出席并讲话。李伯平强调,创业孵化基地和创业园区建设是促进创业者成功创业和扶持初创小微企业发展的重要平 On May 14, 2014, the provincial-level business incubator demonstration base and the provincial-level entrepreneurship demonstration park will be held in Jinan. Li Ba-ping, deputy director of Provincial Department of Social Affairs attended and addressed. Li Bo-ping emphasized that the establishment of a business incubation base and a business park is an important area for promoting the successful entrepreneurship of start-ups and supporting the development of small and micro start-ups
摘要:作文是学生倾吐心语,宣泄情感的载体。本文从四个方面举例分析了如何让学生更好的写好作文,期待让作文成为焕发出生命活力的天地,成为孩子们的享受,成为师生共同快乐的港湾。  关键词:学生;作文;事例    小学生花季年华,多梦年龄,在他们的世界里,喜怒哀乐,悲欣愁苦,亦是百味俱全。言为心声,作文也应是孩子们倾吐心语、宣泄情感的载体。情动方能辞发,只有唤醒学生心中幽闭的情愫,打开学生情感的闸门,激起