多形性胶质母细胞瘤相当于Kernohan分类中为Ⅲ~Ⅳ级星形细胞瘤,是脑胶质瘤中最恶性的一种。手术切除后较快在原位复发。多形性胶质母细胞瘤发生转移者少见。 病人,男性,35岁,右利手。因四肢抽搐反复发作1月余伴讲话困难、口齿不清10d于1994年6月15日入院。神经系统检查,神志清,颅神经无异常发现,不完全运动性失语,双侧肌力肌张力正常,腱反射对称,病理征未引出。头颅MRI示左额叶大片异常信
Glioblastoma multiforme is equivalent to the Kernohan class Ⅲ ~ Ⅳ astrocytoma, is the most malignant glioma. Surgical resection faster in situ recurrence. Glioblastoma multiforme metastasis rare. Patient, male, 35 years old, right hand. Recurrent episodes of convulsions on the limbs in January with my speech difficulties, speechless 10d in June 15, 1994 admission. Nervous system examination, clear consciousness, no abnormality of cranial nerves, incomplete motor aphasia, bilateral muscular tone normal, tendon reflex symmetry, pathological sign not lead. Head MRI showed abnormal large left anterior lobe letter