知识是社会教育实践的基础,知识的创造、传播、讲授和学习是使教育成为有别于其他社会实践的关键特征。然而,澳大利亚社会学家Karl Maton(2000a,2000b,2004,2005,2007,2013,2014)发现,长期以来,学校教育实践和教育学理论建设两个方面都存在问题:教育实践重视的是哪些社会因素与教育有关,忽视了知识本身的重要性;现有的知识理论支离破碎、缺乏系统性。Maton认为,产生第一个问题的原因是教育研究中存在着主观主义倾向,以心理
Knowledge is the basis of social education practice. Knowledge creation, dissemination, teaching and learning make education a key feature different from other social practices. However, the Australian sociologist Karl Maton (2000a, 2000b, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2013 and 2014) found that there have been problems in both school education and pedagogical theory for a long time: which societies are valued by educational practice Factors are related to education, ignoring the importance of knowledge itself; existing theories of knowledge are fragmented and systematic. Maton believes that the reason for the first problem is the existence of subjectivism in educational research.