一老者老年丧偶,子女又都分户而居,他整天关在“鸟笼”般的房间里无人搭话,一度痴痴呆呆。家人发觉后,忙轮流回来陪他说话,并极力劝导他主动走出去与人聊天,很快老人又焕发了勃勃生机。熟悉情况的人都风趣地说他是“话疗”起了作用。 确实,说话聊天可以交流思想,沟通感情,充实精神生活。它不拘形式,不受时间限制,自然活泼,给人以精神享受。老年人从工作岗位上退下来,生活空间一下子缩小了许多,过多的闲暇时间,过小的接触范围,难免会产生从未有过的孤独和寂寞感。若有人不时与他们说说话,则不啻让他们吃了颗“顺心
An elderly man was widowed and his children were separated. He was locked in a birdcage-like room all day long and dementia. After the family was found, he took turns talking with him and persuaded him to take the initiative to go out and chat with people. Soon the old man was full of vitality again. Familiar with the situation are funny to say he is “speech therapy” played a role. Indeed, talking and chatting can exchange ideas, communicate feelings and enrich spiritual life. It informal, free from time constraints, natural and lively, gives the spirit of enjoyment. The elderly retreated from their jobs, living space suddenly reduced a lot, too much leisure time, too small a range of contacts, it will inevitably lead to loneliness and loneliness. If anyone talks to them from time to time, they will not let them eat