同志们、朋友们; 今天,我们在这里隆重举办《王式廓素描艺术展》,以缅怀我国著名的现实主义绘画艺术巨匠、卓越的人民美术家和美术教育家王式廓同志,我代表文化部表示热烈的祝贺并向王式廓同志的亲属、向前来参加开幕式的各位来宾和美术界代表表示亲切的问候。 在20世纪中国美术发展历程中,王式廓同志是一位怀有高度革命理想和坚定的人生信念的画家。他早年东渡日本留学,“七·七”事变后,他毅然回国,在民族危难之际,投身抗日
Comrades and friends here today, we solemnly hold the “Wang style sketch art exhibition” here to cherish the memory of our famous realist painting art master, outstanding people artist and art educator Wang Contour comrades, on behalf of the Ministry of Culture, I expressed warmth Congratulations and extended cordial greetings to all the guests and art representatives who come to attend the opening ceremony, to relatives of Wang Contour. In the course of the development of Chinese art in the 20th century, Comrade Wang Contour is an artist who cherishes a highly revolutionary ideal and a firm belief in life. He went east to study early in his studies in Japan. After the “July 7 Incident”, he resolutely returned home and joined the anti-Japanese