据新疆石油化学工业行业管理办公室掌握的资料分析,2002年1—3月份,全区石油化工行业生产正常,经济运行基本平稳。具体表现如下: 1 工业总产值保持增长 3月份列入统计的37家新疆石油化学工业企业(中央企业只包括吐哈油田、西北局两家企业)完成工业总产值(90不变价,下同)44243万元,同比增长17.59%;区属化工企业完成工业总产值3495万元,同比增长
According to the information held by Xinjiang Petrochemical Industry Management Office, from January to March 2002, the petrochemical industry in the region was in normal production and its economy was basically stable. The concrete manifestation is as follows: 1 Maintain growth of gross industrial output The 37 industrialized petrochemical enterprises in Xinjiang included in the statistics in March (central enterprises include only two enterprises in Tuha Oilfield and Northwest Bureau) completed the industrial output value (90 unchanged price, the same below) 442.43 million yuan, an increase of 17.59%; area is a chemical industry to complete industrial output value 34.95 million yuan, an increase of