To what extent filming in Yunnan's Shangri-La impacts tourists' attraction?——Analysis of m

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feature films are often made at significant and identifiable historic or heritage sites,in terms of that to create perfect visual effects,which have become one of the elements for a successful film.However,as more and more movies film in the destinations,a series of impacts are produced for the tourists’ attractions.This paper analyses about the filming impacts on the destination,which relate on the example of Shangri-La,in terms of that to discuss of the strategies for the management to contribute to the benefits for tourism development in long-term.Following the introduction,the second part is about the literature review,which contains the knowledge about motivation,film-induced tourism,and the Destination market organizations(DMOs);thereafter,the methodology is about how this study comes from,the original issue;the next section proceeds to analyze the filming impacts from positive and negative sites;furthermore,the discussion about strategies for the management as well as make good balance between film and attraction,which followed by the conclusion as well. feature films are often made at significant and identifiable historic or heritage sites, in terms of that to create perfect visual effects, which have become one of the elements for a successful film. Still, as more and more movies film in the destinations, a series of impacts are produced for the tourists’ attractions.This paper analyzes about the filming impacts on the destination, which relate on the example of Shangri-La, in terms of that to discuss of the strategies for the management to contribute to the benefits for tourism development in long-term .Following the introduction, the second part is about the literature review, which contains the knowledge about motivation, film-induced tourism, and the Destination market organizations (DMOs); thereafter, the methodology is about how this study comes from, the original issue; the next section to to analyze the filming impacts from positive and negative sites; furthermore, the discussion about strategies for the management as well as make good balance between film and attraction, which followed by the conclusion as well.
我院收治1例心脏换瓣术后2年合并子宫内膜癌病人,对其治疗因合理应用强心药和抗凝剂保证了手术成功,现报告如下。 患者 女,41岁,孕1产1。20年前出现心悸、憋气,于18年前诊为
2006年,导游邬敬民历经曲折出了一本揭露旅游界黑幕的书籍——《叫我如何不宰你——一个导游的自白》,一时间邬敬民成为舆论焦点,不仅上了央视名牌栏目王志主持的《面对面》,还在全国各大媒体上频频露脸,按照他自己的说法,作为国内揭黑导游、旅游业维权第一人,他火了。   然而,好名声并没有给他困顿的生活带来更多的改观。6年来,他游走全国各地,试图推行他倡导的“品质旅游”,因为阻碍了同行的生财之道,这个旅
在1974年总共有216例妇女进入研究,其中109例行激素替代治疗(HRT),而107例的年龄、体重、运动方式、吸烟习惯均相似,但不愿接受HRT 作为对照组。研究开始时两组的平均年龄分
催产素过敏的发生,临床上并不多见,今年三月初我科发生一例。现综合报道如下:共同行借鉴: 患者28岁,孕41周,于93年3月2日入院。即往有黄胺类药过敏史。查体:T36.2℃,P80次/
随着2012年的到来,消逝已久的玛雅文明重新成为人们热议的话题。作为世界上唯一诞生于热带丛林而不是大河流域的古代文明。玛雅人为后世留下了诸多的遗迹以及未解的谜团。 W