1934年7月2日,国民党军李玉堂的第三师第八旅的两个团进抵福建温坊后,在红军松毛岭一线构筑工事。 红一军团第二师第四团团长耿飚,带作战参谋到敌前沿阵地侦察,凑巧抓到一名敌人的探子。原来敌人已经侦察到红军动向,但只知道摆在面前的是红四团1个团,殊不知,红四团周边还隐藏着军团部和红二师师部的主力部队。探子还讲到,敌第八旅旅
On July 2, 1934, the two regiments of the eighth division of the Third Division of the Kuomintang army, Li Yutang, arrived at the Wenfang Square in Fujian Province and built fortifications on the front line of the Song Mao Ling Red Army. Geng Biao, the head of the fourth regiment of the Second Corps of the Red Army, took the operative officers to reconnoitre the enemy front positions and happened to catch an enemy spy. The original enemy has already detected the movement of the Red Army. However, it only knows that there is a regiment of the Red Fourth Regiment in front of him. As everyone knows, the main force of the Corps and Red Army divisions is also hidden around the Red Fourth Regiment. Spies also talked about the Eighth Brigade