More than two years have passed since Albania’s new party and government leaders took office. On the basis of “continuing to walk firmly under Hoxha,” the new leader has taken a number of different approaches to its domestic and foreign policies. Foreign commentary states that “Europe, the most closed ... country, is entering a new era,” with a “slow but cautious shift.” Since the late 1970s, the economy of Albania has experienced difficulties, its production has started to decline, and its plan has lapsed year after year. Aliyah has repeatedly pointed out after his successor that “economic problems have become a matter of great concern to the party and the country.” He emphasized that “perfecting the relations between economic management and production is the need of the times,” and “hesitating to make the necessary reforms without any reason.” In this way, the economic sector started some adjustments and some changes occurred. The first is a change that advocates economic management of the economy. From the second half of 1985, Albania has a number of industrial and mining enterprises