本文以CPLD和单片机为控制核心构建一个可供进行单片机实验和EDA实验的系统。该系统由单片机,CPLD,温度传感器,步进电机及驱动,存储器,串口,AD,DA,语音输入输出,及人机交互部分组成,能够完成一系列从简单到复杂的实验,包括C51和Verilog HDL,在熟练掌握开发板基本实验的前提下,能够进行两个难度较大的实验,包括波形发生器和语音回放。
In this paper, CPLD and MCU as the control center to build a system for SCM experiments and EDA experiments. The system consists of a microcontroller, CPLD, temperature sensor, stepper motor and driver, memory, serial port, AD, DA, voice input and output, and human-computer interaction to complete a series of simple to complex experiments, including C51 and Verilog HDL, able to master two basic experiments on the premise of the development board, to carry out two more difficult experiments, including waveform generator and voice playback.