Say a recent, believe it or not. A unit of a leader, always think their own civilization, enlightened and smart, often who do not listen to the views, always go our own ways. When we went to examine the cadres one time and solicited opinions from the cadres at the forums, we always kept silent by letting the comrades chaired by the host government enlighten them. Potentially “awesome” sound at “silent”. There has always been a process of development that has caused people to say nothing. At the beginning, the masses often give their advice and suggestions on their work style and working methods out of their love for cadres, love for careers, and sincerely hope that they will be able to change their ways and improve in an unexpected manner. It should be said that this “human voice” and “a heart of ice in the jade pot” are extremely valuable. However, seeing each other is a flood, rock does not move “or even” dog bite