经过50华诞的NBA在1998年步入了它的第51个年头。作为一名足球记者和NBA迷,能在今年这一特殊时刻采访报道全明星赛,无疑十分兴奋。 乔丹仍是令人瞩目的焦点,他对NBA意味着什么恐怕每一位球迷都能掂出个轻重。在今年的全明星赛中,全场的教练和队员都将乔丹视若神明,将MVP(最有价值球员)成全给了“飞人”。大卫·斯特恩在发奖仪式上情真意切地希望乔丹明年继续参加全明星赛,他已经尝到过没有乔丹的日子里NBA的市场号召力是如何江河日下的。但不管怎样,“后乔丹时代”终将来临,NBA仍将进行下去。然而我们可以想象一下,如果没有了电视,NBA恐怕就无法支撑下去了,从这个意义上讲,电视比乔丹更重要。 (一) 本次全明星赛共有191个国家和地区的电视台运用41种语言向
The 50-year-old NBA entered its 51st year in 1998. As a football reporter and NBA fan, at this special moment in this year’s coverage of the All-Star Game, no doubt very excited. Jordan is still the focus of attention, what he means for the NBA, I am afraid every fan can make a difference. In this year’s All-Star Game, the audience coaches and players Jordan will be regarded as gods, the MVP (MVP) into the “trapeze.” David Stern at the prize-giving ceremony, sincerely hope that Jordan will continue to participate in the All-Star Game next year, he has tasted the absence of Jordan’s day NBA market appeal is how the river. But anyway, the “post-Jordan era” will finally come, NBA will continue. However, we can imagine, without the television, the NBA probably can not support it, in the sense that television is more important than Jordan. (A) A total of 191 countries and regions in this All-Star Game television station using 41 languages to