近年来,随着经济改革的深入发展,在我国多元化的生产资料所有制结构中又出现了一种新的所有制形式,这就是我国国内的私人资本主义所有制,其典型的经济实体是城乡的私人资本主义企业。本文就我国现阶段的私人资本主义所有制的特点、作用及其发展趋势作一个初步的分析。(一) 我国现阶段的资本主义所有制企业是在社会主义公有制占统治地位的经济条件下产生、存在和运行的,因此,它既具有资本主义社会中的资本主义所有制企业的一般特征,又具有自身的特点,这是
In recent years, with the deepening economic reform, a new type of ownership has emerged in the ownership structure of our country’s pluralistic means of production. This is the private capitalist ownership system in our country. The typical economic entity is the urban and rural private Capitalist enterprises. This article makes a preliminary analysis of the characteristics, functions and trends of private capitalist ownership in our country. (1) The capitalist-owned enterprises in our country are produced, exist and operate under the economic conditions in which the socialist public ownership is dominant. Therefore, they possess not only the general characteristics of capitalist-owned enterprises in capitalist society but also Its own characteristics, this is