我市档案工作业务研究小粗是在一九五八年组织起来的。几年来,我们体会到,按性质相近的单位并适当的照顾到地区划分小祖,有计划地进行业务研究,是辅助档案管理机关进行业务研究和业务指导的好形式。此外,对如何提高研究活动的质量,也摸索到以下几点: 1、确定适当的活动内容:业务研究小组的任务是组织业务研究、学习和交流工作经验。确定会议内容时,要从实际出发,根据领导的要求结合实际存在的问题来拟定。脱离实际就不能引起大家的重视,但也不宜进行一般的工作检查,提出适当的专题才好研究探讨。
The research on archival work in our city was organized in 1958. Over the past few years, we have realized that it is a good form for assisting the archives administration to conduct business research and operational guidance by uniting units of similar nature and taking proper care of the area to divide the minor ancestors and conducting planned business studies. In addition, the following points have also been explored on how to improve the quality of research activities: 1. Determine appropriate activities: The task of a business research group is to organize business research, study and exchange work experience. Determine the content of the meeting, proceed from reality, according to the requirements of the leadership with the actual problems to be drawn up. Apart from the actual can not cause everyone’s attention, but it is not appropriate to conduct a general inspection of work, put forward appropriate topics to study and discuss.