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速度是跳远、三级跳远的灵魂, 一名优秀的跳远、三级跳远运动员,也必须是一名优秀的短跑运动员。所以发展运动员的绝对速度是这一项目的核心问题。多年来,我们一直在传统思想的指导下,沿用着传统的训练方法和训练手段,虽然取得了一定的成绩,但效果并不理想,许多跳远、三级跳远运动员由于速度水平的停滞不前,而影响了专项成绩的进一步提高。现代体育科技日新月异,我们应该从运动生物学的角度去重新认识传统的训练思想,不断改进和完善训练方法和手段。 Speed ​​is the long jump, the soul of triple jump, a good long jump, triple jump athletes, but also must be an outstanding sprinter. So developing the absolute speed of athletes is a central issue for this project. Over the years, we have always followed the traditional training methods and training methods under the guidance of traditional thinking. Although we have achieved some results, the results are not satisfactory. Many long-jump and triple-jump athletes, due to the stagnant speed level, Which affected the further improvement of the special grade. Modern sports science and technology with each passing day, we should from the perspective of sports biology to re-understand the traditional training thinking, and constantly improve and perfect the training methods and tools.
西雅图港“绿色通道合作伙伴奖”评选结果于近日揭晓。该奖项的最低评选要求是船公司参与港口停泊清洁燃料计划或使用岸电,中远集运因采用更为严格的低硫燃料使用标准而在空气和能源分项中以高分获奖。  西雅图港“绿色通道合作伙伴奖”旨在表彰挂靠西雅图港的邮船和集装箱船对环境保护所作的贡献,该奖项的命名被认为是对西雅图港作为连接亚洲与美国中心地带的海上绿色通道的肯定。2009年发布的一项研究结果表明,亚洲地区出