本刊讯 中国机电产品进出口商会三届四次理事会1998年5月26日在北京召开,5月28日圆满结束。此次理事会是在东南亚金融危机已对我机电产品出口产生严重的影响及国家机构改革、金融体制改革正在深入进行的背景下召开的,可谓及时、适时。会议研究了东南亚金融危机给机电产品造成影响的应对措施及如何规避风险,使我国机电产品出口能够实现今年600
The 4th Council of the 3rd Session of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce for Mechanical and Electrical Products Import & Export was convened in Beijing on May 26, 1998 and ended successfully on May 28. This Council was held in the context of the severe impact of the financial crisis in Southeast Asia on the export of our mechanical and electrical products, the reform of state institutions, and the reform of the financial system. It is timely and timely. The meeting studied the countermeasures to the impact of the financial crisis in Southeast Asia on electromechanical products and how to avoid risks, so that China’s export of electromechanical products can achieve 600 this year.