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2月25日,促进科技成果转化法修正案草案提交全国人大常委会初次审议。现行促进科技成果转化法共37条,而修正案草案就有40条。与现行法律相比,草案修改后,补充增加的内容超过三分之一,大多数条款都有改动,可谓真正意义上的大修。据统计,我国的科技成果转化率仅为10%左右,大量科技成果“沉睡”在实验室里,造成巨大浪费,减缓了创新型社会的建设步伐。党的十八届三中全会提出,全面深化改革,发挥市场在资源配置中的决定性 On February 25, the draft bill to promote the translation of scientific and technological achievements was submitted for initial consideration by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress. The current promotion of scientific and technological achievements into law a total of 37, and the amendment draft has 40. Compared with the current law, after the draft is amended, more than one-third of the added contents will be added. Most of the provisions have been changed, which is a real overhaul. According to statistics, the conversion rate of scientific and technological achievements in our country is only about 10%, a large number of scientific and technological achievements “sleeping ” in the laboratory, causing tremendous waste and slowing the pace of building an innovative society. The Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee proposed to comprehensively deepen the reform and give play to the market’s determination in the allocation of resources
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