Advances in diastolic heart failure

来源 :World Journal of Cardiology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hongshouwang123
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More than 50% of people living with congestive heart failure have diastolic heart failure(DHF).Most of them are older than 70 years,and female.The prevalence of DHF has increased with time.DHF is caused by left ventricular(LV) diastolic dysfunction(DD) which is induced by diastolic dyssynchrony.Cardiac and extracardiac factors play important roles in the development of heart failure(HF) symptoms.The diagnosis of DHF is generally based on typical symptoms and signs of HF,preserved or normal LV ejection fraction,DD and no valvular abnormalities on examination,using noninvasive and invasive methodologies.The outcomes with pharmacological therapy in patients with DHF are frequently neutral in clinical trials,and prognosis still remains poor with a 5-year mortality of 42.3% after hospitalization for HF.Further trials are necessary. More than 50% of people living with congestive heart failure have diastolic heart failure (DHF) .Most of them are older than 70 years, and female. Prevalence of DHF has increased with time. DHF is caused by left ventricular (LV) diastolic dysfunction (DD) which is induced by diastolic dyssynchrony. Cardiac and extracardiac factors play important roles in the development of heart failure (HF) symptoms. The diagnosis of DHF is generally based on typical symptoms and signs of HF, preserved or normal LV ejection fraction , DD and no valvular abnormalities on examination, using noninvasive and invasive methodologies. The outcomes with pharmacological therapy in patients with DHF are frequently neutral in clinical trials, and prognosis still poor with a 5-year mortality of 42.3% after hospitalization for HF. Further trials are necessary.
本文选用了过去土壤发生命名的6个碱化土壤剖面,对照《中国土壤系统分类(修订方案)》诊断指标加以鉴验,确定在系统分类中的地位,并对诊断指标和类型提出了修改和建议. In this pap
党的十七届四中全会审议通过了《中共中央关于加强和改进新形势下党的建设若干重大问题的决定》(以下简称《决定》),对加强和改进新形势下党的建设作出了战略部署。当前,全党的一项重要政治任务,就是认真学习、深刻领会、深入贯彻全会精神,扎扎实实做好党的建设各项工作,努力开创党的建设新局面。  首先是要认真学习《决定》,深刻领会精神实质,把握党的建设总目标,贯彻《决定》提出的新要求新举措。通过学习,深化对加强