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开展党工共建创先争优活动是全党创先争优活动的重要组成部分,是工会围绕中心、服务大局,充分发挥工人阶级主力军作用,不断提高工会组织职工、引导职工、服务职工、维护职工合法权益的重大举措。“在组织动员职工开展建功立业上创先争优,不断激发广大职工群众的创造热情;在充分发挥工会职能作用上创先争优,不断增强工会组织的吸引力和凝聚力;在构建和谐劳动关系中创先争优,切实维护职工队伍的和谐稳定;在充分发挥工会大学校上创先争优,不断提升职工队伍的整体素质;在加强工会自身建设上创先争优,不断提高新形势下做好群众工作的能力和水平。”这是楚雄州人大常委会副主任、州总工会主席杨静在全州工会创先争优工作推进会上对各级工会干部职工的总体要求。随着推进会的成功召开,楚雄州各级工会组织吹响了新一轮创先争优的号角。 It is an important part of the whole party to strive for the best in all its activities. It is the central task of the trade unions to serve the overall interests, give full play to the role of the mainstay of the working class, continuously improve the labor union organization and guidance of workers and staff, and the service workers , Safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of workers major move. “In the organization and mobilization of workers to carry out the work of winning a good foundation, continue to inspire the enthusiasm of the broad masses of workers and staff; give full play to the role of trade unions to create excellence, and constantly enhance the attractiveness and cohesion of trade unions; in building a harmonious labor relations We should give priority to excellent work and effectively safeguard the harmonious and stable workforce. We should give full play to the excellent qualifications of our workforce to promote the overall quality of the workforce. We should create superiority and advance constantly in the new situation by strengthening the self-construction of trade unions ”This is the overall requirement of all the cadres and workers of trade unions at all levels of the Yangzhou trade union delegation at Yangzhou, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the Chuxiong State People’s Congress, and Yang Jing, chairman of the state general trade union. With the success of the promotion meeting, the trade unions at all levels in Chuxiong State have sounded the new round of honors that created their superiority.
<正> 没有哪一个中国人不把共和国的50华诞当作自己最盛大的节日的,也没有哪一个电影人不把向这个节日呈上献礼片当做自己一生最光荣的任务的。做为中国影坛有影响的著名导演
<正> 近些年来,以都市居民为主要市场的古村落旅游蓬勃发展,以江苏周庄、同里,安徽宏村、西递,浙江乌镇、西镇,上海朱家角,江西流坑,湖南张谷英村等为代表的古村落,已经成为