无人可及的士气与英资在中国体育界,邓亚萍是战神。14个世界冠军,4届奥运冠军。18枚沉甸甸的金牌铺就了她辉煌的成功之路。从1993年拿的第一个世界冠军开始,到1998年,整整6年的时间,邓亚萍一拍定天下,只身扫六合。那时全世界的乒乓女将都在惊呼:“逢邓必败。”前国际奥委会主席萨马兰奇曾说:邓是迄今为止最伟大的中国运动员,她代表了一个运动员的风貌。在“邓亚萍时代”,只要她一出战,全世界各地的报纸便成了她的专栏,欧洲一张著名的体育大报如是说:小个子的东方邓出场了,她比球桌高不了多少, 但浑身上下焕发出一股舍我其谁的霸气。她在球场上不停地跳动不停地变换身位,好像在炫耀那无穷的体力和必胜的信心,她在向对手示威,她眼里充满着杀气。一旦进入决战,邓就喊声震天,邓的喊叫经常把对方惊得手足失措而陷入短暂的慌乱。但邓不是虚张声势,她的实力是不容置疑的。她以快捷凶狠著称,有一股不怕死的拼劲。她的击球速度在同代运动员中是最快的,她擅长绝地反击,
Unparalleled morale and British sports in China, Deng Yaping is God of War. 14 world champions, 4 Olympic champions. 18 heavy gold shop paved the way for her brilliant success. Starting from the first world champion in 1993, to 1998, a full six years, Deng Yaping beat the world and swept Liuhe together. At that time all the world’s table tennis women are exclaimed: “every Deng defeated.” Former IOC President Samaranch once said: Deng is by far the greatest Chinese athlete, she represents an athlete style. In the “Deng Yaping era”, as long as she played, newspapers around the world have become her column, a well-known sports newspaper in Europe said: a small man playing the East Deng, she is not much higher than the table, But the whole body glowed up and out of one of my arrogance. She constantly changing position on the pitch constantly beating, as if to show off the infinite physical strength and confidence to win, she was demonstrating to opponents, her eyes full of murderous. Once in the decisive battle, Deng shouted loudly. Deng often screamed each other for a moment and panicked. But Deng is not a bluff, her strength is beyond doubt. She is fierce and fast known, there is an unforgettable fight. Her batting speed in the same generation of athletes is the fastest, she is good at Jedi counterattack,