5月 31日 ,备受各方关注的《工程建设标准强制性条文》首发式在北京举行。建设部副部长赵宝江主持 ,建设部部长俞正声出席并作了重要讲话。俞正声在讲话中指出 ,《工程建设标准强制性条文》(房屋建筑部分 )经过专家们的艰苦努力 ,由建设部发布实施 ,这是我国建设领域的一件大事
On May 31, the launching ceremony of the “Compulsory Clause of Engineering Construction Standards” that attracted wide attention from all parties was held in Beijing. The Deputy Minister of Construction, Zhao Baojiang, presided over and the Ministry of Construction Minister Yu Zhengsheng attended and made an important speech. In his speech, Yu Zhengsheng pointed out that the “compulsory provisions for engineering construction standards” (building construction part) have been hard-worked by experts and issued and implemented by the Ministry of Construction. This is a major event in China’s construction field.